Shades is hiring!
Seeking a part time front desk assistant. This person will be responsible for answering phones, scheduling appointments, helping with washing towels and other salon upkeep. Two evenings per week and some Saturdays. Must be a people person and have good customer service skills. If this sounds like you, please stop by the salon and fill out an application.
A full or part-time PA licensed Hair stylist opportunity is available. Existing clientele preferred, but not necessary. Self motivation and passion for the industry are essential. Must be available to work evenings and Saturdays.
Submit your resume to, or visit us in person and complete an application in salon!
We are always looking to employ great talent that fits well with our staff. Self motivation and passion for the industry are a must.
We will always take a resume or an application in any department. Changes happen when you least expect them!
We have 10+ members on staff and are looking for our salon and spa to continue to grow!
A resume’ can be sent to, or anyone interested may stop in the salon and fill out an application and visit us in person!